Hoults Removals Case Study

Hoults Removals

Business Overview

Hoults Removals is a premium removal and storage company providing quality removals and storage service to customers in the north-east of the UK. Hoults is reputed for delivering first-class service, offering the greatest standards of care for its customers’ valued possessions.

The Brief

The original Hoults website lacked support for mobile devices and was preventing the company from reaching its target audience who were increasingly mobile in their web behaviours. The absence of content management also made it difficult for the Hoults team to update their website. The project objective was to increase Hoults’ online enquiries via a new website that was clean, responsive and better reflected its brand values and proposition.

Solutions Overview

We created a website that captured Hoults Removals’ unique brand essence, projected the brand promise and was accessible to users across device types. With stability and security at its core, we managed the maintenance and support arrangements for the new site and delivered a quick-loading and engaging lead-generation experience.

Services Offered

  • UX Design
  • CMS Build
  • Regular Site Optimisation
  • SEO
  • Ongoing Support & Maintenance


  • Sitefinity CMS
  • Navision ERP Platform Integration


  • Significant increase in website audience reach through mobile devices
  • Demonstrable improvement in online search visibility
  • Notable saving in enquiry processing time through Web to ERP system integration
Hoults Removals

What Our Client Says About Us

Por qué elegirnos como socio tecnológico

  • Amplio espectro de tecnologías

    Amplio espectro de tecnologías

  • Escalabilidad de recursos

    Escalabilidad de recursos

  • Experiencia demostrada

    Experiencia demostrada

  • Ejecución de proyectos sin contratiempos

    Ejecución de proyectos sin contratiempos

  • Plazo de entrega rápido

    Plazo de entrega rápido

  • Mantenimiento y Soporte 24/7

    Mantenimiento y Soporte 24/7

  • Enfoque centrado en la colaboración

    Enfoque centrado en la colaboración

  • Experiencia multidisciplinar

    Experiencia multidisciplinar


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